09 July 2007

bring the yellow tape to tape off the sack race...

Any of you ever wonder what it's like to live with a man who was a skate boarding punk? This is the best youtube I have seen in a long time and it is completely my family. Thanks of course to J the ex punk who sent it too me. I can't stop watching it.


Stepping Over the Junk said...

A British skateboarding guy at that! This is funny.

JC said...

I gots to wait until I gets home to viddy this.

hollibobolli said...

LORD. One of my best friends is the director of accounting at a law firm. He loves to discuss the deaths of Biggie and Tupac like it's global politics. He's totally the white guy rapping at the beginning of Office Space. He is so flipping funny. He's also very into all that old punk/SKA stuff. Basically he just loves music - but I think he wishes he was a rapper, instead of a middle-aged white accountant.

It makes him infinitely silly. Faith loved the video - PFTZ!

paintergirl said...

stepping-I can't stop singing this. selling bits of chocolate...

jc-go swimming with lorenzo...

holli-I just love Office Space. It took me forever to find it because people kept stealing it.

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Rockin' the Catskills, United States
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