02 January 2006

And talk about the weather...

Happy New Year to everyone!

We went to Bear Mountain park the day before Christmas. It's lovely to see a frozen lake. This is one of the nicest pictures.

A new year and a blanket of new snow to cover the ground.


kristen said...

Happy New Year! I love Bear Mountain, haven't been there since my girl was born ~ sigh.

Thank you for the 'other' Christmas tunes. I've been happy listening to the Waitresses!!

David Cauchi said...

And a happy new year to yourself.

I don't think I've ever seen a frozen lake. That photo looks like an abstract painting.

jos said...

a good painter and a good photographer to boot!

paintergirl said...

Hey acu-I LOVE my TFF cd!!! It makes me very happy and thank you.
You are so funny with the Waitress song. I have never heard it until you metioned it. Then we started putting the cd together and we included it. I sang it all through the holiday.

David-This was my first frozen lake. It was desolate and super quiet. Just the way I like it. I have never taken such a painterly photo in my life.

melvin-Thanks man. ok-you know I take pics like my mom though. Akward poses, irrelevant information. this and the photo where the lake is cracked are my only redeeming photos.

Lilly said...

That is a lovely and 'painterly' photograph, PG :-)

I like winter and I like snow -- so I seem to be the only person here in Denmark who is not complaining about the current weather. We've had quite a bit of snow for a little over a week and the temperature has been down to minus 12 degrees C on some nights. That's about 8 degrees F. It's perfect for sitting indoors with a nice cup of coffee and some candles and a good book.....

Hope you and your family are all well -- and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too, dear :-D

paintergirl said...

Thanks Lilly-8 degrees?! Aye yi yi. We've been at about 35 f for the past few days. Winter is very peaceful and can be very cozy. Being a Florida girl, I really love the changes.

Gotham-happy to hear from you-I'll stop by to check out the latest.

Rose said...

Happy New Year. Belated. My word, it's already January 6. The year begins to fly by already already!

Your photo reminds me of a bacterial culture - you know, those agar plates we mucked around with in high school science classes. The beauty of bacteria and fungal growth can be quite astounding. But ice is prettier.

I'm rabbiting on...

paintergirl said...

Hey ya Rose-I love all those little bacteria. It's a miniture world-very astounding like you said. Biology was a highpoint-I had been practicing my microscope techniques since I was 7 and by the time I was 13 I was total nerd. maybe I should have been a scientist.

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Rockin' the Catskills, United States
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